Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Questions Archives - Dipsurance - Life Insurance for Smokeless Tobacco Users
Category Archives for "Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Questions"

Quit Dipping Life Insurance Guide: How To Save Money by Lowering Your Life Insurance Premiums

Quit Chewing Tobacco Life Insurance Save Money

Congrats, you’ve kicked the smokeless tobacco habit!

…or maybe you just want to quit dipping?

Here’s the thing: most people who quit dipping and using smokeless tobacco chewers are overpaying for life insurance. They are stuck paying expensive smoker rates because most life insurance agents don’t know how to help them get more affordable non-tobacco rates. So they’re paying 2x to 4x more than they should be paying on premiums! 

Are you currently paying smoker rates?

In this quit dipping life insurance guide I’ll show you how to lower your life insurance rates and start saving money. Saving money on monthly premium payments is possible because not all companies view smokeless tobacco use the same…

Quit Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance: When Does The Life Insurance Company View You As a Quitter?

Typically…most life insurance companies follow a 12-month tobacco free guideline for smokeless tobacco. This means that you must refrain from tobacco for at least 12 months to qualify for non-tobacco life insurance rates. If you’ve used smokeless tobacco products such as:

  • Dip 
  • Chewing Tobacco
  • Snuff
  • Snus
  • Tobacco Plugs 
  • Tobacco Pouches

…you will be classified in the more expensive tobacco (smoker) category!

These life insurance companies look for any tobacco use. The frequency of how often smokeless tobacco chewers use these products is not a determining factor. This means that you may have quit last week, but you still fall into the same higher priced tobacco category as the 2-can-a-day Copenhagen dipper!

How do life insurance companies find out about smokeless tobacco use?

Nicotine Test for Smokeless Tobacco Use on Life Insurance Exam

A common question we often hear is...

How long does chewing tobacco stay in your system?

Just remember to never try to hide or not disclose your current or previous use of smokeless tobacco!

First of all, it’s going to be hard to hide this fact. Your life insurance application will ask you if you use or have used tobacco products in the previous 12-months. Just be honest and say yes because if you don’t, it’s a form of insurance fraud if you lie on the application!

Secondly, most life insurance policies require a medical exam as part of the application process. As part of this exam, a nurse will come out to…

  • Draw Blood
  • Get Urine Sample

The insurance company will check to see if nicotine shows up in either of your tests. If you test positive for nicotine but reported you didn’t dip, your chances of getting a fair insurance offer from that company plummet. 

Even if you’ve quit dipping or able to hid your chewing tobacco habit from the insurance company, you’re still taking on a big risk. During the first 2-years a life insurance policy is under what’s called a contestability period. This means that if you die during that two-year time frame and the insurance company discovers you lied about dipping, it can deny paying out your death benefit!

(key life insurance point: honesty is the best way to deal with smokeless tobacco use on your life insurance application. There’s no reason to lie on the application and commit fraud when you can find companies that will offer non-tobacco rates to smokeless tobacco chewers and those who quit in the last year.)

Here’s how you can get non-tobacco life insurance rates if you’ve quit dipping (or still use smokeless tobacco):

Find A Life Insurance Company That Views Smokeless Tobacco Use Favorably

Every life insurance company has specific guidelines for smokeless tobacco quitters and current chewers. This means that each company will view spit tobacco use in very different way. The key is for you to find the company that view tobacco chewers favorably and have no problems with offering a recent quitter a non-tobacco rating. 

You should always apply with a company that:

  • Offers Standard Non-Tobacco Rating If You’ve Quit Smokeless Tobacco Products in Last 12-Months
  • Offers Standard Non-Tobacco Ratings to Current Smokeless Tobacco Chewers 
  • Special Tobacco Ratings If Your Health Does Not Qualify for Standard Non-Tobacco Ratings

…this is the key to saving money on life insurance!

On average, you will be able to save about 50% if you apply with a life insurance company that will offer a non-tobacco rating. Put another way…if you are currently paying $100 per month for life insurance with a tobacco rating, you a can secure the same policy for about $50 per month with a non-tobacco rating. That’s the best chewing tobacco life insurance rates in 2016

Here’s a recent comparison for a 37-year-old former skoal dipper who quit last month:

quit dipping life insurance save money on premiums

...imagine saving over $600 per year on life insurance. Go ahead and find out how much you can save for free:

Also, you need to know that exact life insurance rates may depend on how long it’s been since you’ve used smokeless tobacco. Here’s how you can find out how much life insurance premiums may be if you’re trying to quit or quit within the last twelve months:

Life Insurance Options: Quit Dipping in Last 12 Months or Still Dipping

Give yourself a pat on the back if you’ve quit dipping this year (or even if you’re just thinking about quitting)!

Most life insurance companies still consider you a tobacco user. Fortunately…there are a select few companies that will offer you the more affordable non-tobacco rating. Dipsurance works with all the well-known life insurance companies that will offer you these rates including Prudential and Metlife.

Find out how much you can save by with your free quote:

Quit Dipping: Free Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Quote

...these are quotes from companies that are okay with smokeless tobacco use in the last 12-months!

Quit Dipping Life Insurance Options: Quit Longer Than 1-Year Ago

Haven’t dipped or chewed tobacco for at least 12 months?

I’ve got really good news…you can typically qualify for a non-tobacco (nonsmoker) life insurance rate with just about any life insurance company.

Just remember that each company will view the issue a little differently. Generally, the more time that has passed since you’ve last chewed tobacco, the cheaper the life insurance premiums you get. The key is shop the rate and compare quotes from many different companies. We’ve made this really simple:

Quit Dipping or Chewing Tobacco: Free Life Insurance Quotes you should be able to save money on life insurance! Here's a few quit dipping life insurance tips to close the article out:

Life Insurance Tips For Smokeless Tobacco Quitters

So if you’ve read this far (or scrolled down to this point) the points below summarize steps to take if you’re shopping for life insurance and quit dipping or just thinking about kicking the habit:

  • Compare quotes from several life insurance companies that will offer you a non-tobacco rating. Some insurers are more lenient than others about nicotine and smokeless tobacco use. 
  • Don’t leave your family vulnerable by putting off buying life insurance until you quit dipping. Here’s how dippers get non-tobacco life insurance rates. Once you’ve quit for over one year, you can compare quotes from other life insurance companies that will now offer you nonsmoker ratings. This strategy allows you to lock in coverage now at an affordable price, in case you develop health problems in the future that make you uninsurable or make rates very expensive. 
  • Enroll in a tobacco-free program. There are many organizations that will offer them for free, you can find tips and resources on the website. 
  • If you purchased life insurance as a tobacco chewer and then quit dipping, ask your life insurance company how to qualify for non-tobacco rates
  • Don’t lie about your smokeless tobacco use on the life insurance application. Lying is fraud, and insurance companies may not pay out your death benefit if you die during the contestability period. 

...and remember you can get your free non-tobacco life insurance quote in less than 30 seconds:

Congrats on quitting!

[Secret Revealed] How Dippers Get Non-Tobacco Life Insurance Rates

non-tobacco life insurance rates for dippers

This is it, folks.

Dipsurance is about to reveal the biggest secret that most dippers (and even life insurance agents) do not know about using smokeless tobacco and getting a non-tobacco health rating.

There’s a lot of dippers out there overpaying for life insurance…in fact the most common question we get asked by tobacco chewers is:

Can I get non-tobacco rates for my life insurance premiums?

…and they ask for good reason!

Securing a non-tobacco health class means that your life insurance premiums will be much more affordable. Depending on the life insurance company, the difference in premiums could be thousands of dollars per year.

Go ahead, find out how much you can save by getting non-tobacco rates…

Let me explain why non-tobacco rates are much more affordable:

Dipper Life Insurance Explained: Tobacco vs. Non-Tobacco Health Ratings

Here’s the thing about tobacco rates for life insurance: There should be a separate category just for smoker rates because each life insurance company views smokeless tobacco use differently!

In fact, smokeless tobacco use is not black and white in the eyes of insurance companies.

There are several life insurance companies out there that view smokeless tobacco us much more favorably than smoking. A select few of these companies will approve dippers and chewers of tobacco for non-tobacco rates.

Dippers...stop paying smoker rates for life insurance. Here's how you can get non-tobacco rates:

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In other words, choosing the right insurance company to apply for life insurance with can be a major advantage to your budget…or the wrong company can be a very costly added expense.

Here’s an example of the difference between non-smoking (non-tobacco) and smoking rates:

Example: Non-Tobacco Life Insurance Rates for Copenhagen Dipper

First, you need to know…

Life insurance premiums on tobacco ratings are between 2x and 4x more expensive than non-tobacco premiums for the same person. This means that if all other things are equal, such as:

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Health Conditions
  • Medical History
  • Medications 
  • Family Health History

…you’re going to pay 50% to 200% more for an identical tobacco rated life insurance policy!

Put another way…if you pay are currently paying $50 per month in life insurance premiums for a non-tobacco rating, you would pay between $100 and $200 per month for the same exact policy with a tobacco rating. 

Here’s an example where a 35-year old dipper of Copenhagen wants to purchase a 20-year term policy with a face amount of $250,000, but does not know the non-tobaccco secret: 

how dippers get non-tobacco life insurance rates

As seen above, there is wide price range in the quotes for a standard health life insurance policy with a tobacco health rating. 

To illustrate the importance of choosing the right company, let's compare a quote from an insurance company we work with that will offer the same Copenhagen dipper a non-tobacco rate:

how smokeless tobacco users and tobacco chewers get non tobacco life insurance rates

As you can see above , the very same dipper will save at minimum $300 per year (that's $6,000 in savings over the 20-year lifetime of the policy) just by applying with a company that does not view smokeless tobacco use in the same way as smoking.  The key is to find the best life insurance rates in 2016

Ready to cut your life insurance premium in half? Let us show you how...

How to Get Non-Tobacco Life Insurance Quotes 

Step 1, it’s simple…

You start by getting life insurance quotes from companies that offer smokeless tobacco chewers a non-tobacco rating. This means that if you use:

  • Dip
  • Chewing Tobacco
  • Snus
  • Snuff
  • Tobacco Pouches

…these life insurance companies are okay with your smokeless tobacco use!

As long as you don’t smoke, there are insurance companies out there that will offer you a non-tobacco health rating when applying for life insurance. And…these are very well-known insurance companies (household names). Dipsurance works closely with several companies including Prudential and Metlife.

We’ve made Step 1 easy.

Go ahead…get your non-tobacco quote in less than 30 seconds:

Ready for step two? This is where our life insurance expertise shines...

Match Your Health With Most Favorable Insurance Company

You’ve now got quotes from several companies that will offer you a non-tobacco rate…but what about your other health issues?

Most tobacco chewers view themselves as healthy, unfortunately most applicants will be considered higher risk by the insurance company. In fact, only about 5% of all life insurance applicants receive a preferred plus rating (the top health class).

Most of us have some type of health issues going on, whether it be minor conditions such as high blood pressure to something serious like diabetes.  Issues such as:

  • Diseases: Any type of serious diagnosis such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and immune disorders are considered higher risk diseases by the insurance company.
  • History of Your Health: If you have a history of obesity, eating disorders, sleep apnea, drug or alcohol addition, rehab, and DUIs are viewed as higher risk.
  • Medications: Your medications are reviewed and could lead to a higher risk category
  • Occupations: There are some occupations and professions that are viewed as high risk which include, airline and helicopter pilots, firefighters, underwater welders, police officers, and underground miners, to name a few.
  • High Risk Hobbies: Most dippers don’t realize that hobbies such as sky diving, racing cars, scuba diving and rock climbing are considered to be a high risk by the insurance company.

Don’t worry, there is good news…

What most people don’t know: Each life insurance company has “sweet spots” in their underwriting guidelines. This means that Company A will view you different than Company B or C. That’s why it’s so important to apply with the company that views your hobbies, health, profession, etc. the most favorable!

How can you find the best life insurance company?

No worries, Dipsurance does the hard work for you…

From the list of companies that will offer you a non-tobacco rate, it’s our job to match your health issues and lifestyle with company that views them most favorably. We’ll “sell” your situation to the underwriters by informing them of your issues in the most favorable way possible.

…this process keeps most dippers out of high risk categories and keeps premiums low!

Smokeless Tobacco Video: How Dippers Get Non-Tobacco Life Insurance Rates

Wanna see how easy our process is?

Check out the video here for a complete walk through example of our two-step process detailed above: See an online quote in less than 30 seconds for non-tobacco rates, and then an explanation of our pre-qualification process for higher risk life insurance applicants:

There you have it...the secret on how dippers can secure non-tobacco life insurance rates. Don't hesitate to reach out to Dipsurance if you have any questions!

​Start Your Free Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Quote