Best Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Rates 2018

Would you like to get the best smokeless tobacco life insurance rates?
As you already know from other content on Dipsurance, the biggest misconception out there is that dippers and chewers can only qualify for tobacco rates on life insurance. That’s just NOT TRUE! Never pay 2x to 4x more for a tobacco rated life insurance premium when there are life insurance companies out here that offer smokeless tobacco chewers a non-tobacco rating!
(QUICK SIDE NOTE: this is an in-depth article explaining different factors that determine the best smokeless tobacco life insurance rates in 2018. If you’re looking for actual samples of the best smokeless tobacco life insurance rates only, you can scroll to the bottom of the article.)
The most important thing tobacco chewers can do to get the best smokeless tobacco life insurance rates is apply for life insurance with a company that is okay with smokeless tobacco use. Once you find the best company your rates will depend on several other factors. Let’s start by looking at the various types of life insurance:
Types of Life Insurance for Smokeless Tobacco Chewers
You’re probably looking for the best life insurance rates for smokeless tobacco users in 2018 because you want to protect the one who matter most to you if you were to pass away unexpectedly. Typical reason you may be looking for life insurance are for reasons such as:
- protect the loss of your income
- children expenses such as college education
- cover debts such as mortgage, college loans, or credit cards
- leave a legacy for your loved ones
- to cover divorce financial reasons such as child support or spousal support
- just to make sure everyone will be okay finanically
…before shopping around for top rates, it’s important to understand the various types of life insurance available to tobacco chewers:
Term Life Insurance For Smokeless Tobacco Chewers
Term life insurance is a great fit for individuals that have a shorter-term need or a specific time frame they are looking to cover. You choose the specific term that begins when the policy is purchased. Most term life insurance policies are for a period between 10 to 30 years.
Tobacco chewers who purchase a term policy will pay level premiums for the duration of the policy and will be covered while it is in force. These policies are usually purchased if you are looking for low cost insurance coverage to cover you during a specific amount of years (usually your working years).
…here’s a common example of someone who purchases term life insurance:
Example of Term Life Insurance for Grizzly Dipper
Jason, age 34, decides to purchase a term life insurance policy to help make sure that his family will be able to cover the mortgage on their home if he were to pass away unexpected. The home has 20 years left on the mortgage so he wants to buy a 20-year term $250,000 policy to cover the outstanding debt on the house.
During the 20-year term, the monthly premiums on the policy are level and guaranteed not to change. Once the 20-year term expires, premiums will increase each year if Jason chooses to keep the policy in place. Typically, term life insurance offers the following options:
- Insurance premiums that are guaranteed to be level during the term period
- Conversion options on the policy where you can convert the term policy to a permanent policy without taking another medical exam
- Additional life insurance riders that can be added for an extra cost to customize your policy
Ready to find out how affordable term life insurance can be?
Now, let's take a look at whole life insurance:
Whole Life Insurance for Dippers and Chewers
Simply put, whole life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that will cover you for your entire lifetime. The whole life insurance rates (premiums) are usually level and guaranteed for your entire lifetime. It’s the most common type of permanent life insurance and offers the potential for cash value inside the policy that can potentially accessed during your life tax-free.
Whole life insurance premiums are more expensive than term life, and it’s commonly bought by tobacco chewers with large estates or those who are seeking life insurance for life.
Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance for Spit Tobacco Users
Another common type of permanent life insurance that chew tobacco users buy is guaranteed universal life insurance. It’s often referred to as UL or No Lapse life insurance and is a popular choice for those concerned about outliving term life insurance or those they don’t like expensive premiums on whole life insurance. It’s a great choice if you are looking for:
- Premiums that can be level for a lifetime
- Death benefit guaranteed to age 90, 95, 100, 105, 115 or even 121
- Length of premium payments can be flexible
- An inexpensive permanent life insurance product to protect you
…just remember that these “No Lapse” or “Secondary Guarantee Universal Life” policies may not have cash value. If you’re looking for flexibility and the opportunity for cash value accumulation it may be possible with an indexed life insurance policy:
Indexed Universal Life Insurance for Chewers
Indexed Universal Life, commonly referred to as an IUL Policy, allows the owner to allocate cash value to both fixed accounts and equity index accounts for potential growth. These policies offer tax-deferred cash accumulation for potential retirement savings while maintaining a death benefit. A portion of each premium goes to annually renewable term insurance based on your age and the rest to cash value.
The amount that goes to the cash value is invested is allocated toward indexes of your choice such as the S&P 500 or even the Nasdaq 100. Your cash value is then credited with interested based on the increases in the underlying index, but not directly invested in this index. Because of this, you can only participate in some of the upside of the index but none of the downside.
An IUL can be be a good choice for dippers that are looking to take advantage of putting away cash value for things like:
- Key-person life insurance (key-man life insurance) for business owners
- Estate planning life insurance strategies
- Premium Financing
…just be sure to fully understand indexed life insurance before making the purchase! So now that you have a basic understanding of popular life insurance choices for smokeless tobacco chewers, let’s look at things that affect your rates:
What Affects Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Rates in 2018?
Often tobacco chewers ask us:
Does chewing tobacco affect life insurance?
…only if you apply with the wrong insurance company. Let me explain:
One of the biggest factors in lowering the cost of smokeless tobacco life insurance quotes is applying with the company that will offer you non-tobacco life insurance rates. Besides applying with the correct company, the following factors play the biggest role in how life insurance rates are priced by the company:
Your Age
It's very obvious, but your age is one of the key pricing variables that determine the cost of your coverage. The older you are, the higher risk you pose to the insurance company offering you coverage.
Your Health History
If you have any type of serious medical condition, health concerns, or chronic disease you are a higher risk to the insurance company. Your rates for smokeless tobacco life insurance will increase or in certain cases you may be declined coverage.
Your Weight
Your weight is one of the big factors that the insurance company will look at on your life insurance application. Being overweight or obese can lead to increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes among other illnesses.
Your Current Health
Your current health is reviewed by the underwriters to determine if you are healthy or deemed to be higher risk. They will review both your current health and look at past health in this review.
Your Lifestyle and Occupation
Many tobacco chewers are in dangerous occupations such as the military, fire department, law enforcement, underwater welding, and mining among other dangerous occupations. So just know that cops and firefighters that dip or chew tobacco may be seen as a higher risk than someone who sits behind a desk all day!
Furthermore, if you dip and have the following hobbies:
- Scuba Diving
- Rock Climbing
- Airplane or Helicopter Pilot
- Racing
- Skydiving or Parachuting will be seen as a higher risk smokeless tobacco user!
Type of Policy
The type of life insurance policy you choose to purchase is very important consideration. As a general rule of thumb, term life insurance is going to be cheaper than whole life or universal life insurance for the same tobacco chewer. Also, the length of the policy determines how much you pay. Generally, the longer the duration the more the premiums will be.
Life Insurance Coverage Amount
The amount of life insurance coverage you put into place will play a significant role in the cost of premiums. As you probably can guess, one million dollars (1 million) of 20-year term coverage will cost more $300,000 in 20-year term coverage for the same spit tobacco user. The higher the coverage, the more you will pay in monthly or annual premium payments for smokeless tobacco life insurance.
Find Out The Premiums Rates on $500,000 in Smokeless Tobacco Term Coverage
Now that you understand factors that can affect the pricing of life insurance premiums, we'll move to the role the medical exam plays in life insurance rates:
What To Expect When Applying for Life Insurance in 2018
During the life insurance process, you will fill out what’s called a formal application. You will have to list the typical questions like your name, age, and employment. Furthermore, you need to provide accurate details on your health situation and lifestyle. Typically the following questions will be asked on the life insurance application:
Questions on Life Insurance Application
- Date of Birth
- Height
- Weight
- Details on lifestyle; do you drink or smoke (if so, how often?)
- Your financial information; income and net worth
- Occupation
- Hobbies (they are looking for high risk hobbies such as scuba and skydiving)
Also, when applying for most types of life insurance the carrier will require that you undergo a medical examination before putting the policy into place. The point of this medical exam is to verify the information that you provided in your application and determine if any other tests will be required.
Life Insurance Medical Examination
Typically, life insurance carriers work with paramedical companies during the medical exam phase of your application. Once you apply for the policy, the paramedical company will send a out a certified medical technician (paramed) to perform medical tests and send the results to be reviewed by the underwriter. Here’s what you can expect from the paramed:
- Take Your Blood Pressure: wants to ensure blood pressure is not elevated
- Reviews Medical History: verify medical history submitted on app and get additional details if needed
- Height and Weight: verifies your height and weight with scale and measure
- Urine Sample: urine analysis to detect nicotine, drugs, among other things
- Blood Sample: draw blood sample to determine if nicotine or drugs present in your system
- Questions about lifestyle: will ask questions about drinking, smoking and occupational hazards
…just remember that it’s best to answer questions on your life insurance application honestly. There’s no point to lie on your app and commit fraud when you can always find the company that will look at your situation most favorably.
How To Get Best Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Rates and Keep Premiums Low
If you want to secure the lowest smokeless tobacco life insurance rates as possible, you’ll have to be sure to remember a few key points. While many factors do come into play, just remember that your health is looked at very hard. You will need to prove that you’re in great health to get low rates. Here’s some of the top tips to secure low rates:
Apply With Life Insurance Company That Will Give You Non-Tobacco Rates
Just remember that each life insurance company looks at smokeless tobacco use differently. One of the biggest keys for tobacco chewers to save money on life insurance is to apply with the company that is okay with your smokeless tobacco habit. Dipsurance works with multiple life insurance companies that will offer dippers and chewers a non-tobacco health rating!
Ready to get the best chewing tobacco life insurance quote in 2018?
Quit Dipping or Chewing Tobacco
Most life insurance companies will consider you a smokeless tobacco users for one year (12 months) after you quit dipping. So if you’ve quit within the last 12-months, be sure to apply with a company that will offer you a non-tobacco ratings. If it’s been longer than 12 months, you can qualify for non-tobacco rates with just about any life insurance company. Here’s more on quit dipping life insurance options.
Drink Less Alcohol
A question on the life insurance application will ask for details on your alcohol consumption. If the life insurance company sees that you have heavy alcohol consumption and/or your blood test shows raised enzyme levels in your liver, you life insurance rates may be higher. Drinking less or none at all can often lower life insurance rates offered by the company.
Lose Some Weight to Lower Premiums
Obesity is linked to many different medical conditions that may lead to a premature death. Life insurance underwriters know the risks of being overweight and have build charts for your height. If you are currently overweight, you may see a reduction in life insurance costs if you lose weight and fall into a better build category.
Lower Rates by Eliminating Risky Hobbies or Behavior
Life insurance carriers may charge higher rates on premiums if you partake in dangerous hobbies such as scuba diving, skydiving, rock climbing or aviation. Higher rates are often result when your behavior is deemed to be dangerous such as DUI or a very bad driving record which seen as a higher chance of an early death.
Consider Term Insurance Vs. Whole Life Insurance
Whole life insurance will provide coverage for your entire life as long as premiums are paid. Because the coverage is longer, the rates are typically more expensive than term insurance. If you only need life insurance coverage for a specific amount of time, consider applying for term life insurance coverage and invest the difference. Here’s more on important things you should know about whole life insurance.
Avoid Adding Additional Life Insurance Riders
Life insurance riders are additional options that you can add to your life insurance policy. Some common riders are often purchased are the accelerated death benefit rider and the child term rider. Determine the purpose of your life insurance and evaluate each rider carefully to see if adding a rider is necessary or just an added expense that’s not needed.
Shop Life Insurance Rates
You should know this by now…but just remember that not all life insurance companies view you the same. The key is to match your health and lifestyle with the company that will view it the most favorable. Each company has sweet spots in underwriting guidelines and our job is to sell your unique situation to the best company. Here’s more on how dippers get non-tobacco life insurance rates.
What's The Best Life Insurance Company for Smokeless Tobacco Use?
A Dipsurance, we work with all the top life insurance companies that will offer tobacco chewers the best non-tobacco life insurance premium rates. Each individual situation is different, but currently our top life insurance company is:
Prudential Life Insurance Company for Low-Cost Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Rates
We work very closely with Prudential for tobacco chewing life insurance.Currently, Prudential is the top life insurance company for smokeless tobacco users because they don't mind smokeless tobacco. This means that they will offer dippers and chewers of tobacco a non-tobacco rating (non-smoking rates) as long as you don't also smoke.
Want a smokeless tobacco life insurance rate quote from Prudential?
...just remember, we work with several other companies that will offer chewers great non-tobacco life insurances rates. We will get you the best quotes from all companies that offer you low-cost non smoker premiums that are friend on your budget! Here's some of top rates:
Top Smokeless Tobacco Life Insurance Premium Rates for 2018
Here's a sample of the best term life insurance rates for dippers and tobacco chewers in 2018. If you would like a personalized quote for the best rates for your situation, please use one of our quoters in this article or give us a call. Without further ado, here are the top quotes for 2016:
Best Life Insurance Quote for 25 Year-Old Dipper of Kodiak Wintergreen
Smokeless tobacco life insurance in your 20s is all about getting started with a affordable monthly payment. Twenty-five years old (25 yrs.) is a very common age for men to purchase life insurance. In this sample, the 25 year old dipper of Kodiak Wintergreen was looking to purchase life insurance to cover his mortgage and protect his recently married wife if he were to die unexpectedly.
(All Rates Seen Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance)
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $18.54 | $206 |
$250,000 | $26.74 | $297.50 |
$500,000 | $45.90 | $510 |
$750,000 | $65.02 | $722.50 |
$1,000,000 | $66.15 | $735 |
...just remember that life insurance in your twenties (age 20-29) is about locking in a good life insurance premium while you are young and healthy. Most dippers in their 20's can get preferred life insurance rates or standard plus (standard +) non-tobacco rates.
Top Life Quote for 30 Year-Old Dipper of Skoal Straight
Life insurance in your 30s (ages 30-39) is about protecting your family if something we to happen to you. Often times, someone in his 30's who dips skoal will have a young family to protect and are starting to bring home a nice income from their career. Life insurance can still be very affordable in your early-to-mid thirties and will slowly start to increase as you get older.
(All Insurance Rates Seen Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance)
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $19.26 | $214 |
$250,000 | $28.20 | $320 |
$500,000 | $49.95 | $555 |
$750,000 | $71.10 | $790 |
$1,000,000 | $78.75 | $875 | start to see increases in term smokeless tobacco life insurance as you move to your mid-30s:
Best Non Tobacco Dip Life Insurance Premium for 35 Year-Old Dipper of Copenhagen Long Cut
As you get closer to your mid-30's (ages 33, 34, 35, 36), you start to get serious about things such as retirement and saving for your children's college educational expenses. It's important for Copenhagen users to buy low-cost term chewing tobacco life insurance to protect the ones who matter most if you were to die suddenly. Here are some of the best non-tobacco rates for age 35:
(All Premiums Seen Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance)
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $19.80 | $220 |
$250,000 | $29.70 | $330 |
$500,000 | $51.75 | $575 |
$750,000 | $73.80 | $820 |
$1,000,000 | $92.25 | $1025 |
Most Affordable Quote for 40 Year-Old Dipper of Grizzly Wintergreen
Securing affordable term life insurance in your early 40s ( Ages 40, 41, 42, 43) is about protecting what you've worked so hard to accomplish. You're advancing in your career, have a nice nest egg save for retirement, you children are getting closer (if not already in ) college. You have to protect your family's financial future with the best term life insurance rates.
Here's a look at the potential cost of premiums for a dipper of Grizzly smokeless tobacco products. The premiums are quoted for both the monthly and annual costs. You have the choice when applying on the 12 monthly payments or one annual payment per year:
(The Rates Quoted Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance)
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $24.84 | $276 |
$250,000 | $38.03 | $422.50 |
$500,000 | $68.40 | $760 |
$750,000 | $98.78 | $1097.70 |
$1,000,000 | $124.65 | $1385 |
Cheapest Rate Quote for 45 Year-Old Dipper of Skoal Mint
Purchasing life insurance in your mid-to-late 40s (1971 age 45, 1970 age 46, 1969 age 47, 1968 age 48, 1967 age 49) is where you can still secure cheap term life insurance coverage on 20-year term policies. This is the age where we see a big increase on term insurance being purchased to protect families and take care of the financial future.
(All Rates Displayed Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance)
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $32.04 | $356 |
$250,000 | $50.18 | $557.50 |
$500,000 | $92.70 | $1030 |
$750,000 | $135.23 | $1502 |
$1,000,000 | $175.95 | $1955 |
Lowest Cost Term Life Insurance for 50 Year-Old Chewer of Redman
Purchasing life insurance in your early 50s (1966 age 50, 1965 age 51, 1964 age 52) is about finding affordable term life insurance coverage before rates really start to increase. For each year that you wait in your 50's, you will see significant increases in the cost of term life insurance premiums. Now is the time to secure affordable chewing tobacco life insurance.
(Smokeless Tobacco Rates Displayed Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance. For chew tobacco users born in 1966 or earlier, you may want to review quotes for 10-year term life insurance or Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL) depending on your unique situation and needs.)
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $42.39 | $471 |
$250,000 | $74.02 | $822.50 |
$500,000 | $140.40 | $1560 |
$750,000 | $206.78 | $2297.50 |
$1,000,000 | $270.45 | $3005 |
Low Cost Life Insurance Quote for 55 Year-Old Chewer of Levi Garrett
Men looking for life insurance that were born in 1961 are looking for coverage for retirement protection, to cover debts such as mortgage or even a child's student loan, and even for income replacement needs. Depending on your situation, you may want to compare term vs. permanent life insurance for smokeless tobacco users before making any decisions.
(Note: Chewing Tobacco Life Insurance Rates Displayed Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance. For chewers born in 1961 or earlier, you consider 10-Year Term Smokeless Tobacco Insurance or permanent life insurance such as a GUL or Whole Life Policy )
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $57.24 | $636 |
$250,000 | $111.60 | $1240 |
$500,000 | $215.55 | $2395 |
$750,000 | $319.50 | $3550 |
$1,000,000 | $418.95 | $4655 |
Best Monthly Life Insurance Rates for 60 Year-Old Chewer of Redman
For tobacco chewers born in the 1950s, life insurance is primarily purchased to protect hard-earned retirement savings. There are other reasons such as final expenses for burial and even mortgage protection needs in your 60s. This is when most men look at both term life insurance options and compare it to smokeless tobacco permanent life insurance coverage options.
(Note: Chewing Tobacco Life Insurance Quotes Displayed Below are for 20-Year Term Life Insurance. For tobacco chewers born in 1956 or earlier, you may want to consider a shorter duration such as 10-year term life insurance or compare GUL permanent life insurance policies for more affordable coverage options. Also, for those seeking lower amounts of coverage you can compare our final expense quotes.)
Life Insurance Amount | Monthly Premium | Annual Premium |
$100,000 | $95.58 | $1062 |
$250,000 | $193.95 | $2155 |
$500,000 | $380.25 | $4225 |
$750,000 | $566.55 | $6295 |
$1,000,000 | $735.75 | $8175 |
The Best Chewing Tobacco Life Insurance Rates in 2018
Just remember...the best smokeless tobacco life insurance rates are always changing. Premiums rates are continually being adjusted by each life insurance carrier. For the most up-to-date changes and find the best chewing tobacco life insurance rates be sure to get a personalized quote using our smokeless tobacco life quoter below. It takes less than 30 seconds and is free to use: