Compare Vaping Life Insurance Rates for Free
Vapers: Don't Pay Smoker Rates for Life Insurance
Instantly compare free quotes from life insurance companies that will give vapers a non-tobacco rate on term life insurance.
Dipsurance helps vapers save over 50% on life insurance by providing free quotes from top-rated insurance companies that will give you a non-tobacco health rating.
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View the Best Non-Smoking Quotes for Vapers Now
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How Vaping Affects Life Insurance Rates
The facts vaping and life insurance:
Most vapers are paying smoker rates for life insurance.
They have no idea (or their insurance agent did not know) that they could have got a non-smoker rate. Unfortunately, they think that vaping will be viewed same as smoking cigarettes.
So they apply for a life insurance policy with the wrong company and get a tobacco rate. Now they’re stuck paying 2x to 4x more each year than they should be for a term policy.
Here’s the most important thing you need to know:
There are a few life insurance companies that will offer vapers a non-tobacco health rating.
This means that they view vaping in a much favorable way than cigarette smoking. As long as you admit to vaping on the term insurance application and haven’t smoke a cigarette in a year you can qualify for up to a Standard Plus Non-Tobacco rate when buying a buying a policy online.
As a vaper, you’ll save at least 50% per year in the non-tobacco category vs. the tobacco category.
Our only job at Dipsurance is to help you get a non-tobacco rate! We are experts in vaping life insurance and understand all underwriting guidelines for companies that are okay with vape.
We will help you secure the best non-tobacco rates on the market by matching your health and vaping habit with the insurance company that will view your profile the most favorable. Get started by viewing free quotes below that will show the best non-tobacco rates:
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Is Vaping Considered Smoking for Life Insurance Purposes in 2017
The quick answer:
It depends on which life insurance company you apply with for coverage.
If you’ve skimmed to this point: just know that most companies will consider you the same as a cigarette smoker for life insurance purposes in 2017. This means that you will qualify for a tobacco rating that is based on your overall health.
But…there are select companies that view vape more favorable. They will offer both men and women who vape a non-tobacco health classification when purchasing coverage.
This is important because you will save money on insurance premiums. Here’s how much cheaper non-tobacco rates are for vaping:
Comparison of Tobacco Rates (Smoker) vs. Non-Tobacco Rate for a Vaper
This is a case study from a vapor who recently contacted us when shopping for an inexpensive vaping life insurance quote.
He had received a smoker rates from his local home & auto agent and was searching for a better rate online. He had heard that he may be able to qualify for affordable vaping life insurance rates.
Here’s the comparison details: this quote is for a 35-year old male who is a vaper and looking for a cheap term insurance policy to protect his family. He is shopping for a $500,000 quote for a 20-year term policy in Virginia.
Here’s the cost for monthly premiums for the 20-Year Term $500,000 policy at age 35:
Standard Plus Non-Tobacco Rate | Best Preferred Smoker Rate | Standard Plus Tobacco Rate |
$51.75/month | $89.01/month | $123.83/month |
Quick Summary: in the very best case scenario (non-tobacco vs. preferred smoker) this man will save over $350 per year by applying with the vaping friendly company. In situations where this man will not qualify for the very best smoking rates, the non-tobacco vape premiums will be over $800 less per year!
Find out how much you can save with a non-smoker rate below:
View the Best Non-Smoker Rates for Vaping
Vaping and Life Insurance: How To Qualify for Non-Tobacco Premiums
There are two requirements for vapers to qualify for non-tobacco rates:
- Not Smoked Cigarettes in the Last 365 Days: To qualify for a non-tobacco rate, you cannot have smoked cigarettes in the last year. The life insurance company will ask this question and will not offer you this rate if you have been a cigarette smoker in the last year.
- Disclose Your Vaping Use on the Life Insurance Application: You have to admit to using a vapor when completing your life insurance application. There is a specific question asking about tobacco use. Just be truthful and admit to vaping because the insurance company needs to know why nicotine is going to show up in your body on the medical exam. If you lie or forget to disclose, you will get a smoker rate and the company will not change this rate later.
If you meet those conditions, we work with a top-rated company that will let you apply and then offer you the non-tobacco life insurance category as a vaper!
You will be required to complete an application and medical exam. From there, you will be approved as a non-smoker and offered a rate based on your overall health and other factors. If you’re healthy and have no major medical conditions, your approval can be as high as a Non-Tobacco Plus rate!
This non-tobacco plus category offers the lowest cost rates on the market for anyone who vapes. Go ahead and see how affordable these rates are:
Inexpensive Life Insurance for a Vaper